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M.O.R.E. is...Ministry of Reconciliation Evangelism Intl., Inc.
(Source: "M.O.R.E. Healing In And Out" of "The Philippine Christian Examiner" by "Awit Cachola-Castillo") "Don't say more. Say M.O.R.E. More is a cigarette brand." Steve Overstreet, the man behind the vision of M.O.R.E. emphatically spells it out: "Ministry of Reconciliation Evangelism". M.O.R.E. came about as a vision from God. Steve Overstreet was to be the instrument to peruse and pursue that vision. It came as an offshoot of inner healing which he experienced. As a child, a "root of bitterness" grew in Steve's life, passed on from the difficult childhood of his father. Never successfully dealing emotionally and spiritually with his own bitterness, his father, a good man unknowingly ignited division and emotional turmoil within his own family. Hebrews 12:15 tells us to be careful that no "root of bitterness" spring up in our lives, because MANY WILL BE DEFILED BY IT. At the age of nine, Steve's parents got a divorce and his family was divided. The days and years that followed tossed him to and fro like an emotional pingpong ball.
God charted the course of this precious life that had been so battered emotionally. From the quagmire, God, in His love lifted him up. He met a sweet and loving wife, Suzzane, a nurse. Sue has always been a booster to him all throughout the years. They served the LORD together full-time with the Far East Broadcasting Company, Radio International for thirteen years. Steve went through all the motions of missionary service unmindful of the worm eating up his emotional vineyard. The bitterness against his father settled in his heart as a quiescent weight that pulled him down with nagging intensity. But Steve managed to get by. Pride swallowed him up.
Twenty years later, while praying and fasting, Steve had a head-on collision with God and himself. Alone with God, he cried out "God I want to be your man. Your vessel, anointed with your power." As he wrestled with God, the searchlight of the Holy Spirit spotlighted the bitterness in his heart against his father. The LORD showed him that that was the very clog that hindered the flow of the power of the Holy Spirit in his life. THE SPIRIT OF FORGIVENESS SURGED THROUGH HIS HEART. He surrendered to God, called his father, asked his forgiveness and assured him of his forgiveness too.
A year later, after that victory, Steve and his family moved to the Philippines and served with FEBC Phil. in Davao City for 2 years. It was then that he saw the need for Reconciliation among brothers. This felt need became an overpowering passion to minister on inner healing. The administration of FEBC, quiet aware of the direction of Steve's ministry, gave their enthusiastic approval. However, feeling tha singlemindness of God's call upon them toward radio evangelism, in 1989 they encouraged Steve to expand his evangelisc crusade ministry and to pursue a seperate ministry in obedience to God's new direction.
On August 25, 1989, the international board of M.O.R.E. had been formed and it was incorporatd in the United States and has been in full blast since then. On August 23, 1990, M.O.R.E. International, Inc. was incorporated in the Philippines. Steve and Sue and their two loving children were based here. The Philippines is home to them and the Filipinos are family to them. "If there is anything I'd like to express and punctuate, it is my very deep love for Filipinos, and I mean it. I am her to love the Filipinos." Steve ventilates with no air of superficiality.
Like a voice in the wilderness, Steve reverbates the message, "Be ye reconciled to God", whenever the Lord takes him. He punctuates on God's warning in Psalm 66:18 "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the LORD will not hear me." Steve stresses, "The real problem is not in Malacañang; not the politicians. The real problem is in the church. We groan in pain asking God for the healing of our land. But God cannot hear our cries, because a lot of Christians hold grudges and live in an unforgiven state. Every speck of bitterness and animosity must be settled and surrendered to God. Our relationships on the horizontal level is the barometer of our relationship on the verical level."
Steve believes with an unfliching conviction that M.O.R.E. does have a special mandate to break the backbone of bitteness. How does he see it being effected? "Through the multimedia. Like a pebble thrown in the waters, the ripples reaching far and wide. The Ministry of Reconciliation Evangelism International, Inc. is an evangelical/interdenominational, California-based evangelistic crusade ministry with its major office in Metro Manila, Philippines. With a three-fold purpose evangelism, M.O.R.E. seeks to minister in third-world nations, promoting reconciliation between God and man and a cooperative reconciliation within the Body of Christ. To fulfill its mission in world evangelism, M.O.R.E. will recruit men and women, especially from third-world nations, who have a burden and ministerial "call" for crusade evangelism. They will sharpen their skills through training in practical evangelism, and then send them out fully supported as M.O.R.E. Evangelistic Teams."
Through M.O.R.E., Steve reached out to all level of people through his teaching tapes and crusades. He also held concerts where he and his staff package spiritual truths in attention-arresting-heart-searching songs and sketches.
In March 7,1995, Steve died and followed by his wife Suzzane last June 16,1999. Their children Cris and Sheri are now staying in U.S.A. Several workers are already gone to different places and other ministries. The Asst. Director, Jose Gonzales was appointed Philippine Director and new generations of Artists were born in the M.O.R.E. Family.
LOVE IN ACTION "LIA" is our outreach to the truly needy, allowing us to do MORE than just say "JESUS LOVES YOU". Projects have included an outreach to families devastated by natural calamities and the immunization of babies plagued by a measles epidemic. It also includes Child Sponsorship Program where those interested can help a needy child by providing them with medical and educational support.
Everyday, children and adults receive training through the center for effectively communicating the Gospel through performing arts. Courses include Voice, Keyboard, Guitar, Drums, Flute, Dance and Theater Acting. Our goal is to put up training centers not only on major cities but to make the training available also in provinces and remote areas. And so the GPMC-Workshop Tour is conducted on places that are far away from Christian music training centers giving the youths, music ministers & other individuals the chance to learn & be more effective ministers.
This is composed of different Christian music artists/talents from different local churches and denominations committed and united to be a missionary music & arts group. We travel around the country and conduct series of Evangelistic Concerts. The group also visits different local churches for Revival and Reconciliation through their heart-searching songs, dances, drama and comical sketches with an inspirational message from Evangelist JOSE "Jojo" GONZALES.
YOUTH SABADO! (Anti-Drug Campaign)
"Sabado" means Saturday, a day of the week most youths are usually available for gimmicks and night-outs. And so, the YOUTH SABADO was launched to provide alternative route for the youths. This is done on venues that young people enjoys to hang around like Hotel, Cafe, Bar, Grills & Restaurants. But we offer a different kind of entertainment for them. It is a life-changing program that attracts harmful drug users, alcoholic, smokers, nightlife addicts & all youths that are bondage in a misconception of real fun. We bring them to the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ through music and testimony presentations of several known celebrities who are now Christians. We then make them experience the true happiness in life and that is living with the author of life...GOD.
We want to know you too and how we can be of help to your local church and ministry.
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